Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The advantages of this new aircraft "concoction" Habibie

3rd resident of the Republic of Indonesia Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie or BJ Habibie familiarly called launching his new book Not-Be Tired and Lost .

The launch of the book at the Bank of Indonesia, Thamrin , Jakarta . In his speech , Habibie said that the book titled Not-Be Tired and Lost draws on the experience of his life .
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One is the outpouring of the heart while PT Nusantara Aircraft Industry ( IPTN ) which subsequently changed its name to PT Indonesian Aerospace ( PT DI ) to be closed in 2002 .

Even so , BJ Habibie stressed that he would continue as PT DI , which has gained the moment of awakening in early 2012.

" PTDI I will continue with the production of more advanced aircraft than N250 . I 'm manipulating a team called the R - 80 aircraft are in another year we will be prepared to be able to air in 2017 , " said Habibie in the Bank Building , Jakarta , Tuesday ( 01.04.2014 ) .

R - 80 aircraft has the meaning of the word regional R and 80 is the number of passengers . Excess air with this new technology is to have a propeller that can determine the wind cold and wind heat coming from the engine or engines .

The point is occurring mixture of cold wind and hot wind so they can get a higher speed . Mixture of cold wind and hot wind is called the bypass ratio . The higher bypass ratio, which is owned , used fuel energy more economical .

" Airbus or Boeing had a bypass ratio of 12 , the less the bypass ratio , the less the level of fuel efficiency . R - 80 has a bypass ratio of 40 , the target of approximately 30 percent more economical fuel consumption , more efficient , " Habibie said . (see also: tema android terbaru 2014)

Production of R - 80 aircraft will be carried out by PT Indonesian Aerospace . Production aircraft project is expected to be able to boost Indonesian nationalism , runs smoothly . "Right now I 'm preparing this could fly in 2017 . Which makes later Indonesian Aerospace , " Habibie said .


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