Wednesday, April 16, 2014

FSA and IDB Islamic Finance Sector Strengthen Cooperation

Financial Services Authority ( FSA ) and Islamic Development Bank ( IDB ) to strengthen cooperation , especially in the Islamic financial services sector and microfinance . This cooperation commitments contained in the IDB financing and technical assistance to the Government of Indonesia through the Member Country Partnership Strategy ( MCPs ) Indonesia 2011-2014 .

Islamic financial sector development in Indonesia will continue to be improved in line with the Islamic finance industry is growing higher and the huge market potential that is still untapped. Islamic financial development strategies need to be formulated and implemented in integrated between the banking sector , capital markets , non-bank financial industry , and Islamic microfinance .

" The development of Islamic financial services into one FSA priorities forward . Therefore Indonesian Islamic financial architecture that is more advanced by integrating the banking sector , capital markets , and non- banks , and Islamic micro institutions into something urgent to do . In that framework, the FSA and the IDB have programs and capabilities to assist the preparation of the blueprint , " said Chairman of the Board D Hadad Hadad FSA in an official statement received on Wednesday ( 04/16/2014 ) .

In developing the Islamic financial services sector in Indonesia , there are three challenges FSA view that needs to be responded services sector , namely the ability to open up access to Islamic financial services more broadly , the ability to serve the potential increase in the middle class in Indonesia , as well as the ability to increase the contribution of the real sector the Islamic finance to the actual needs of the Indonesian economy .
(see also: ternak kenari )

" The IDB is committed to proactively assist Indonesia in the development of Islamic finance , among others, in the medium term development aid vision through system architecture , support the development of products and services , as well as facilitating the development of the capacity of Indonesia to the application of best practices , " said IDB President Dr . Ahmad Mohamed Ali .


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