Friday, May 23, 2014

Milk Consumption Low, But How High Milk Imports

One more negative news for the national food production . The agrarian country wracked food imports and imports of milk this time . The percentage of imported milk really stifling .
Data from the Ministry of Agriculture ( Ministry of Agriculture ) , the dependence on milk imports reached 70 percent . The high percentage of imports due to the low productivity of the milk of local dairy .

Needs of dairy milk processing industry ( IPS ) mecapai six million liters per day . Meanwhile , the national milk production is only 1.5 million liters per day . " The lack of many , " said Director of Business Development and Investment Directorate General of Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products of Ministry Jamil Musanif in Jakarta , Friday ( 23/5 ) .
( Read: budi daya kroto )

Not only low milk production . Indonesian milk consumption per capita is low , only about 11.1 kilograms ( kg ) per capita per year . Compare with milk consumption Malaysia , which is 36.2 kg per year . Residents of Thailand reached 22.2 kg per year and the Philippines as much as 17.8 kg per year .

In order to increase production , the Ministry of Agriculture will strive to increase production in order to compete with neighboring countries , such as Malaysia and the Philippines . The low milk production is threatening Indonesia's position in the competitive arena of the free market in the ASEAN Economic Community ( AEC ) in 2015 . Meanwhile , to increase the per capita consumption of milk , will be pursued to increase to 30 liters per person per year in 2025 . "When production is not doubled , the number of dairy imports could increase, " said Jamil .

Data Kementan was recognized national milk producers . Dairies , cimory , stating the availability of fresh milk in the country are depleting. Communities must compete to get fresh milk with industry players who are also looking for dairy raw materials .

Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) Group of Company cimory Bambang Sutantio emphasize it began having trouble finding the raw material of dairy farmers partners . Fresh milk is now much in demand milk processing industry ( IPS ) . " This is because the U.S. dollar strengthened , " he said , Reuters found , in Cisarua , Bogor , West Java , on Friday ( 23/5 ) .

Therefore , local companies are forced to import milk . Imported milk -based dairy industry needs to create a variety of products . Now , when the price of milk imports rose , IPS began to look fresh milk producers .

During this time , cimory price guarantees to farmers partners . IPS , according to Bambang , also did not hesitate to offer a high price . Cimory buy fresh milk farmers at a price of Rp 5,800 per liter .

From the beginning , he stated , cimory committed to buy milk is higher than 10 percent above the highest retail price ( HET ) . " We have to buy on top of the bid price IPS that farmers would continue to develop the dairy , " said Bambang .

HET from IPS about Rp 4,000 per liter . Before the U.S. dollar strengthens, the price is able to cover the operational costs incurred breeders . However , farmers are now asking for HET is raised .

Section Head of the Directorate of Dairy Cows and Buffaloes Aquaculture of Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Iqbal Alim said , Indonesia had a shortage of dairy cows in the period 2012 to the end of 2013 . Breeders who sell a lot of his female productive because of high meat prices . " More profitable selling meat as fresh milk undervalued , " he said .

The government then tried to build more partnerships with farmers . This pattern is expected to restore the passion raising dairy cows . n ed : zaky al glottal


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