Phase of General Election 2014 is getting close to half the peak . The process of counting of votes in the legislative elections the party will soon be over . When the determination of valid votes and seats in the House completed , then the election will enter phase registration of presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates .
Only two more weeks time assessment for all political parties seek coalition colleagues and determine the candidate pairs . Until Friday ( 02/05/2014 ) , the new Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDI - P ) and the National Democratic Party which has made understanding and ready to form a coalition . As for the other party , still busy strutting find friends fit .
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Some observers predict , outside shaft led PDI - P , the other axis is the axis formed are considered potential Indonesia Movement Party . If the PDI - P has Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) as presidential candidates , then Gerindra Prabowo who had predicted capable of competing with Jokowi .
Even so , Gerindra not yet received confirmation from all parties who have been approached . This party just got a fresh breeze from the Prosperous Justice Party ( PKS ) and the National Mandate Party . The approach of the United Development Party ( PPP ) and the Golkar Party is merely an intense communication .
axle watermelon
Back to the axis of the PDI - P . This shaft repeatedly states will build coalitions with strict rules . No one talks to divide power in the beginning . No wonder the only Nasdem who immediately declared willing docked .
However , lately there is the National Awakening Party ( PKB ) which is reportedly more intimate with the PDI - P . Even Jokowi coalition agreement with the CBA states will soon be established .
Political observers of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences ( LIPI ) Siti Zuhro said , PDI - P and PKB would be equally great benefit if the coalition is really happening . The two parties have a strong character , he said , there is also a deep-rooted and loyal supporters alike tend character .
Siti believes the PDI - P coalition , Nasdem , and CLA will bear the chances of winning are promising . In terms of ideology , the PDI - P and Nasdem equally nationalist party , while CLA is a Muslim-based parties .
According to Siti , this coalition can get the name " watermelon coalition " . Name it , she said , taking red as a symbol of nationalist parties and the color green for Muslim-based parties .
" Coalition watermelon , already beautiful in terms of color , in terms of its supporters have been united . Wong cilik style NU ( Nahdlatul Ulama ) and the PDI - P grassroots , " said Siti , in Jakarta , Thursday ( 05/01/2014 ) .
The challenge , called Siti , precision shaft PDI - P figure determines candidates Jokowi assistant vice president . This figure should be pinched shut figure Jokowi to become the ideal partner and attract the attention of the voting public .
As for power sharing in the coalition , said Siti , is commonplace . Therefore , the party who joined in the axis of the PDI - P also will eventually get a certain position so long as it is suitable and competent . " Whoever , the coalition will discuss what get what , will be adjusted . , But important woke effective coalition , the parallel between the government and the parliament . "
Colorful shaft Gerindra
What led coalition Gerindra shaft ? Siti assess large tents to be built Gerindra risk of repeating " mistakes " were made today's Democratic coalition , the Joint Secretariat . Grand coalition according to him will be difficult to work effectively due to hit the interests of many parties .
If Prabowo confident stature , Siti said , she should keep away from the intention of building a grand coalition . Moreover , he added , a large coalition can be interpreted as a compulsion .
" Compulsion to be formed as a figure that will be carried by a presidential candidate has no real support , " Siti algebra . In a presidential system , he stated , is the president who featured . "If the president has real support , then we do not need a coalition fat , " he said .
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