Representatives of the 58 Islamic organizations , including the Islamic Defenders Front ( FPI ) , Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia ( HTI ) , and the Forum Ulama of Madura ( FUM ) , which are members of the Islamic Movement for Unity ( GUIB ) East Java , came Risma in his office , Wednesday ( 14/05/2014 ) . They provide support to official written Risma in closing Dolly .
Secretary GUIB Java Muhammad Yunus said , the policy is an attempt to close prostitution commanding the good and forbidding the evil , so it must be supported by all levels of Muslims .
( Read: kacer betina )
" We condemn anyone who utilizes this goodwill to the political interests of certain groups , " he said .
He said he openly deplored the statement Surabaya Deputy Mayor Wisnu Buana Sakti who refuses closure Dolly .
" We do not know what it means , which obviously we regret the attitude of the Vice Mayor of Surabaya who reject it , " he said .
On Tuesday ( 05/13/2014 ) , Deputy Mayor Vishnu Sakti Buana Surabaya had said closure Dolly refused because local people judged not ready to lose the livelihood of the decades rests on Dolly prostitution activity at the site .
Chairman of the PDI - P 's claim Surabaya , his attitude was based on the concept of the party in view of the social reality in Dolly .
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